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Why I want a degree from UTSA?

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The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) is a relatively new university in the state of Texas and was once known as small, and not viewed as in high standing. UTSA is currently viewed as a growing and soon to be top tier university. At the beginning of my senior year of high school, I was looking at what major I wanted and what college to attend. UTSA was not one of first choices. I got accepted into all the colleges that I applied for, including UTSA. It was the Communication major that UTSA offered that I entice me to go, along with the university being close to home in San Antonio. The Communication degree with a concentration in Digital Media stood out to me personally. I wanted a degree that was diverse and could be easily applied to any business. San Antonio is a growing city that is cultivating in new businesses, along with ample opportunity for internships and networking. The university residing in a city like San Antonio, made UTSA more attractive; which is why I chose to pursue a degree from UTSA.


  1. I think that the layout is very easy on the eye which makes it easier to follow along and read. I really liked the soft colors that you used. Other than that I think that the structure of the body paragraph could be organized better; the first line is much longer than the rest of the paragraph. There are many grammatical errors and words left out that make it harder to follow along.

  2. Alexandra,

    I like how you incorporated the historical status of UTSA in your paragraph. Is this your first draft? If you plan to create another draft, maybe include a theme. I could only see a mountain in the back of the start of the blog; everything else was white, or off-white. That makes it uninteresting. I'd say more color to draw the eye towards what you want the reader to pay attention to, and more pictures.

    Tamika Tutt


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